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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Edit Fields for Reports and Report Conditions

Each report in Unite has a report definition that includes fields that appear on the report and at least one field for a report condition. The field configuration determines the report output. At any time after adding a report to Unite, you can change the report definition to generate a different report output. Reports and report conditions are separate in Unite. Because you can select a condition for any report, edits you make to a report condition field impact any report that uses the condition. The steps to edit fields differ depending on whether you want to edit fields that appear on a report or edit fields for a report condition.

To edit fields for a report

  1. Log on to Unite.

  2. Click REPORTS.

  3. Navigate to the grid that contains the report you want to edit.


If you want to edit an export report, click the Exports tab. If you want to edit a Word report, click the Word tab.
  1. In the Report Name column, click the name of the report.

  2. In the Report Name text box, edit the name if needed.

  3. If you want to add a field, select the check box for the field in the Available Fields list, and then click the Add Field button .


Available fields come from person and application records and are organized into sections based on the area in Unite where each field is located. You can search by typing the field name in the Search Available text box. As you type, the number of available fields decreases.
  1. If you want to reorder selected fields, click the Reorder button and drag each field to the correct position.

  2. If you want to delete a selected field, click the Delete button next to the field.


If you delete a field by mistake, there is no undo, and you must add the field again.
  1. Configure options for each selected field.

  2. Click the Save button .

  3. Click the Close button to close the Report Builder window.

To edit fields for a report condition

  1. Log on to Unite.

  2. Click REPORTS.

  3. Navigate to a report grid.


You can access export reports on the Exports tab and Word reports on the Word tab.
  1. In the Report Name column, click any report to open the Report Builder window.


If there is a report that uses the condition you want to edit and the report has already been run, there should be a link in the Condition Name column to open the condition on the Report Builder window.
  1. Click or verify you are on the Condition tab.

  2. From the Condition Name list box, select or verify the condition you want to edit.


Conditions can be selected for different reports, so be aware when you update fields for a condition that it may impact other reports.
  1. If you want to edit the condition name, click the Edit Name button . In the Edit Condition Name text box, enter the new name. Then click the Save button .

  2. If you want to add a field, select the check box for the field in the Available Fields list. Then click the Add Field button .


Available fields come from person and application records and are organized into sections based on the area in Unite where each field is located. You can search by typing the field name in the Search Available text box. As you type, the number of available fields decreases.
  1. If you want to reorder selected fields, click the Reorder button and drag each field to the correct position.


The order of the fields for the condition does not change the order of the fields for a report.
  1. If you want to delete a selected field, click the Delete button next to the field.


If you delete a field by mistake, there is no undo, and you must add the field again.
  1. Configure options for each selected field.


If you plan to use the condition for a scheduled report or a report that runs in the background, do not select the Ask check box for any field in the condition.
  1. Click the Save button .

  2. Run the report or click the Close button to close the Report Builder window.