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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Configure Unite Applicant Status Online (ASO) Footer Section

The Footer section is the final section of the ASO page. This shows the end of the ASO page to applicants. Here you can enter your law school’s contact information such as mailing address, phone number, email address and perhaps, office hours. You can include hyperlinks in the footer too.

You have limited configuration options with the Footer text using the simple text editing tool. For example, you can modify the font size. However, the style and color are standard.

You can compose the footer using html, if desired.

  1. Open a browser and log on to Unite.

  2. Click UTILITIES.

  3. Click the Form Design tab.

  4. Click Applicant Status Online.

  5. Expand the Footer section.

  6. Click the Edit button.

  7. Enter the information in Footer Text.

  8. Apply any desired styling such as bold, italicized, underline, alignment, bulleted list, etc.

  9. Click the Save button .

  10. Click the collapse icon to collapse the Footer section.