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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

About Email Statuses

In Unite, emails have two types of statuses – an email sent status and an email publish status. The email sent status lets you know if an email message was successfully sent to the intended recipients. The publish status lets you know if the email record has been checked for errors and can be included in customer journeys.

About email sent statuses

When you send email messages from Unite, the message goes into a queue to be sent with other email messages in intervals. You can see the status of sent emails in the following places:

  • PEOPLE area > [person record] > Activity Log area > Communication tab

  • UTILITIES area > Email Sent tab > [email name] > Email Recipients window

  • JOURNEYS area > Marketing Emails > Unite Emails system view > [email record] > Insights tab > Delivery tab > Delivery details area

  • JOURNEYS area > Contacts > [contact name] > Timeline area

The following table provides a description of the sent statuses for email messages.

Sent Status


Blank (no message displays) The email message is in queue and should be sent shortly.
Process Failed The email message cannot be sent due to a possible system issue and may require assistance from a system administrator to resolve.
No Contact Record in Dynamics The email message cannot be sent due to a possible system issue and may require assistance from a system administrator to resolve.
Recipient has Unsubscribed The email message is a marketing email that cannot be sent to the recipient because the recipient indicated they do not want to receive unsolicited email messages.
Both Primary and Secondary email addresses are invalid The email message cannot be sent because none of the email addresses in Unite are legitimate and the default was selected as the email address to use. You need to update at least one email address on the person record and resend the email message.
Primary Email is Invalid The email message cannot be sent because the primary email address in Unite is not legitimate and was selected as the email address to use. You need to update the primary email on the person record and resend the email message.
Secondary Email is Invalid The email message cannot be sent because the secondary email address in Unite is not legitimate and was selected as the email address to use. You need to update the secondary email on the person record and resend the email message.
There is no primary or secondary mail The email message cannot be sent because the recipient does not have a primary or secondary email address in Unite. You need to add at least one email address to the person record and resend the email message.
No Primary Email address The email message cannot be sent because the recipient does not have a primary email address in Unite, and the primary address was selected as the email address to use. You need to add the primary email address to the person record and resend the email message.

About email publish statuses

The email publish status is important to consider for email records that are used in customer journeys. You can see the status of sent emails in the following four places:

  • JOURNEYS area > Marketing Emails > Unite Emails system view > Status reason column

  • JOURNEYS area > Marketing Emails > Unite Emails system view > [email record]

The following table provides a description of the publish statuses for email records.

Publish Status


  • The email record has never been published.

  • Email details and design may or may not be complete.

  • Users with permissions can manually select the email and send a message from Unite.

  • The email record is published.

  • Email details and design are complete.

  • Users with permissions can manually select the email and send a message from Unite.

  • Users with permissions can add the email record to a customer journey.

  • The email record was previously published and can be edited.

  • Email details and design are complete but may need to be updated.

  • The email message may have been delivered as part of a customer journey.

  • Unite suspends sending copies of the email message in live customer journeys.

Live, editable
  • The email record is published.

  • Email details and design are in the process of being updated.

  • Unite continues to send copies of the original email message in live journeys while updates are being made.

  • Once saved, Unite applies the updates to the live email.