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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Void an Application Fee Waiver for a Person

You can void an application fee waiver on a person record by changing the expiration date to a calendar date in the past. After you void an application fee waiver, the code can no longer be used.

To void an application fee waiver

  1. Open a browser and log on to Unite.

  2. On the main menu, click PEOPLE.

  3. Find and open the person record.


You can find person records by performing a search, opening a view on the Search Results tab, or checking the Recents grid. Each person name is a hyperlink to open the record.
  1. Click the Edit button .

  2. Click the Expand button to expand the Fee Waivers section.

  3. In the Expiration Date text box for the fee waiver you want to void, set the date to any date prior to the current date.

  4. Click the Save button .

  5. Click the Close button to close the person record.