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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Register a Person for an Event Session

If you added an event to Unite and set up sessions that require registration, you can start adding registrations to a session once the event is published. Session registrations are different from event registrations. A registration for an event indicates a person is planning to attend the event. A registration for a session indicates a person is planning to attend a specific session during an event.

To add a registration to a session

  1. Open a browser and log on to Unite.

  2. On the main menu, click EVENTS.

  3. On the navigation pane, click Session Registrations.

  4. Click the New button .

  5. In the Session text box, start entering and then select the session name.


If you do not know the session name, click All records to see a list of all sessions in Unite.
  1. In the Event text box, verify you selected a session for the correct event.

  2. In the Contact text box, start entering and then select the name of the person you want to register to attend the session.


If you do not know the name, click All records to see a list of people in Unite. It may take Unite a little while to load people into a list.
  1. Click the Save button .


Notice Unite automatically generates a unique registration ID and event registration ID for tracking purposes.
  1. Click the Go Back button to close the session registration record.