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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 4 – Edit a Contact Card LLM

Task: Update contact information for a person.

Scenario: Tom Dutta matriculated recently. He provided you with an updated email address of Update Tom's primary email address, and ensure email is his preferred contact method so that you can send him orientation information.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.   

Guided Practice

This training exercise has two parts. The first part walks you through how to find the person record. The second part walks you through how to edit a contact card record.

Part 1: Find the Person Record

  1. Click PEOPLE.

  2. On the Search Criteria tab, click Clear.

  3. Enter the last name: Dutta.

  4. Enter the first name: Your Greek letter

  5. Click Search.

Part 2: Update Email Address and preferred method of contact

  1. On the Search Results tab, find the Tom Dutta record with your Greek letter.

    a. Notice the Contact Card Column in the grid.

  2. Click the Contact Card icon for the person.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Update Primary Email to

  5. Select Email as preferred method of contact.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click X to close the contact card.

  8. Click Home.