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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 3 - Unarchive a Person Record LLM

Task: Add an application to an archived record

Scenario: Ruslan Mayne applied to your school last year but missed crucial deadlines. His application was closed, and his person record was archived. Today Ruslan called you to say he wanted to apply this term. You offered to copy his original application so he would not have to submit a new one.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.

Guided Practice

The training exercise has two parts. The first part walks you through how to open the person record. The second part walks you through how to unarchive the record.

Part 1: Find the person record

  1. Click PEOPLE

  2. Click Clear.

  3. Specify person search criteria: Last Name: Mayne

  4. Select the Include Archives check box.

  5. Click Search.

Part 2: Unarchive the person

  1. Click person name: Mayne, [Greek]-Ruslan

  2. On the application menu, click Copy.

  3. Specify application information.

    a. Year/Term/Degree/Applicant Type: [current year] Fall A1

    b. Degree LLM

    c. Applicant Type: Reapplicant

    d. Applicant Status: Application Incomplete

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click X to close the person record.

  6. Notice the person is now active.