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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 3 - Edit a Person Record JD

Task: Add a profile document to a person record.

Scenario: Jessie James has been very engaged with your admissions office but has not applied yet. Jessie forwarded his resume earlier in the week. Add the document (from the participant toolkit) to Jessie's person record in Unite.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.   

Guided Practice

This training exercise has three parts. The first part walks you through how to find the person record. The second part walks you through how to add a person document to the person record. The third part walks you through how to view the document in person record.

Part 1: Find the Person Record

  1. Click PEOPLE.

  2. On the Search Criteria tab, click Clear.

  3. Enter the last name: James.

  4. Enter the first name: Your Greek letter

  5. Click Search.

Part 2: Add the Profile Document to the Person Record

  1. Click the checkbox to select the person name: James, [Greek]-Jessie.

  2. Click Actions.

  3. Click Upload Document.

  4. Select document type: Resume

  5. Click Select file.

  6. Navigate to Participant Toolkit to locate the File.

  7. Either double-click file name: LOR or single-click the file and click Open.

    a. As an alternative, you can drag the drag and place it in the Drop file here to upload area of the Add Document window.

  8. Click Upload.

  9. Click X to close.

Part 3: Open the Person Record to locate the Document

  1. Click name of the person: James, [Greek]-Jessie.

  2. Click to expand the Profile Documents panel.

  3. Notice the Resume document in the grid.

  4. Click the document to view.

  5. Close the document when done viewing.

  6. Click X to close the person record.