Exercise 3 – Award a Scholarship JD
Task: Award a Scholarship
Scenario: The Newtown Law Achievement Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that is awarded to only two full-time students each year with an LSAT score greater than or equal to 165 and a cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.20. The annual award is $50,000 for a three-year total of $150,000. It is renewable if the student remains in good academic and behavioral standing. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.8.
If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.
Guided Practice
This training exercise has two parts. The first part walks you through how to find the applications. The second part walks you through how to add the scholarship.
Part 1: Organize the grid
Verify you are on the All Decisions tab.
Organize the grid by specifying the columns.
Application Type column: Hide
Cumulative GPA column: Show
High LSAT Score: Show
Program Time: Show
Click Save.
Continue organizing the grid.
NOTE: When you filter a column, there are steps that are not documented in the exercise, to include: choosing the filter to use, selecting or entering data to filter on, and clicking Filter to apply the changes.
Status column: Filter to include only Admitted
Sub-Status column: Filter to exclude Deferred and Withdraw
High LSAT Column: Filter to show those greater than or equal to 165
Cumulative GPA: Filter to show those greater than or equal to 3.2
Last Name, First column: Filter to contain your Greek letter.
Part 2: Update Scholarship
From the grid, select two (2) people containing your Greek letter.
Click Actions.
Select Edit.
Be sure to choose Apply the same edit to each selection.
Click Continue.
From Available Fields, select Scholarship.
Click Add.
Click Continue.
Select Scholarship Type – Newtown Law Achievement
Specify renewable - Yes
Select Granted Date - TODAY.
Select Year (use the current year).
Enter Year 1 amount - $50,000.
Click Replicate. Notice the following fields: Dist. Year 2 and Dist. Year 3; Year 2 Amount and Year 3 Amount; and Scholarship Amount.
Enter note: Must maintain a 2.8 GPA
Click Continue
Click Submit.
Verify your changes.
Click Confirm.