Exercise 3 – Assign Applications to an Evaluation Folder for Review LLM
Task: Add folders for two types of evaluations and assign different types of applications to a reviewer.
Scenario: Since the same reviewer often reads different kinds of files, you use folders to indicate the type of applicant, including (1) applicants with an English Proficiency Overall Score of 90 and above (these can be reviewed by Admissions staff and not the Committee); and (2) all reapplicants. Create folders for these applicant types; then find the first type of applicant and assign to yourself. Then find all the reapplicants and assign them to yourself as well. View the grid with the Evaluation Folder column to see those folders that are assigned to you.
If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so.
If not, detailed instructions follow.
Guided Practice
This training exercise has three parts. The first part walks you through how to create review folders. The second part walks you through how to find the application to review and assign it to evaluation folders. The third part walks you through how to verify the folder assignments.
Part 1: Create review folders
Select the My Pending Actions tab.
Click Manage Review Groups and Folders.
Click the Folders tab.
Click +Add.
Enter Folder Name: English Proficiency 90 Plus-[Greek]. Verify the Active check box is selected
Click Save.
Click +Add.
Enter Folder Name: Reapplicants-[Greek]. Verify the Active check box is selected
Click Save.
Click X to close. You will automatically return to the workflow grid where you started.
Part 2: Find and assign the applications to the first folder
You will be in the REVIEWS area on the tab My Pending Actions.
Organize the grid as follows
a. Filter Application Status column to Ready for Review
b. Filter English Proficiency Overall Score column to greater than or equal to 90
c. Filter the Last Name, First column to only show people with your Greek letter.
You should find at least one record.
Select the check box for the person
At the top of the grid, select the Actions button.
From the Actions menu, select Assign. The “Assign new review” window will appear
Complete the following:
Select Reviewer – Choose yourself (your Greek Username from class).
Folders – Notice your name, and below that, select the Folder name: English Proficiency 90 Plus-[Greek]
Due Date – Click on the calendar icon and choose the date 10 days from today
Click Submit.
The “Confirm Assign new reviews” window will appear.
Click Yes. You will automatically return to the workflow grid where you started.
Part 3: Find and assign the applications to the second folder
You will be in the REVIEWS area, on the My Pending Actions grid.
Clear your previous filters by clicking on the Clear Filters button
Organize the My Pending Actions grid as follows
a. Filter Application Status column to Ready for Review
b. Filter Applicant Type column to Reapplicant
c. Filter the Last Name, First column to only show people with your Greek letter.
You should find at least two records.
Select the check boxes for the people
At the top of the grid, select the Actions button.
Choose Assign from the Actions menu. The “Assign new review” window will appear
Complete the following:
a. Select Reviewer – Choose yourself (your Greek Username from class).
b. Folders – Notice your name, and below that, select the Folder name: Reapplicants-[Greek]
c. Due Date – Click on the calendar icon and choose the date 10 days from today
Click Submit.
The “Confirm Assign new reviews” window will appear.
Click Yes. You will automatically return to the workflow grid.
Part 4: Verify the folder assignment
You will be in the REVIEWS area on the tab My Pending Actions.
Clear your previous filters by clicking on the Clear Filters button
Organize the My Pending Actions grid as follows
a. Filter the Status column to include Review in Progress
b. Filter the Last Name, First column to only show people with your Greek letter.
c. If needed, add the column Evaluation Folder to the grid.
Notice that the folders in the Evaluation Folder column include English Proficiency 90 Plus-[Greek] and Reapplicants-[Greek]