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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 2 - Assign an Application to a Review Group for an Additional Review LLM

Task: Assign an application to a standard review group for an additional review

Scenario: Susan Thatcher completed her review of Matthew Benton’s application. She identified a character and fitness issue that requires a full committee review by the Character and Fitness Committee.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.   

Guided Practice

This training exercise has two parts. The first part walks you through how to find the application. The second part walks you through how to assign the application for an
additional review.

Part 1: Find the application

  1. Click REVIEWS.

  2. Click Search Criteria tab.

  3. Verify you selected the My Pending Actions tab.

  4. Click Clear.

  5. Enter Search Criteria:

    a. Last Name: Benton

    b. First Name: [Greek]-Matthew

  6. Click Search.

  7. Notice the Status - Pending Decision

  8. From the grid results, click the Review Notes icon to read the note. Note indicates - C & F refer to Committee

  9. Click X to close the note.

  10. Click Last Name, First – Benton, [Greek] Matthew to open the evaluation.

  11. Click the All Reviews tab.

  12. Notice the following reviewers:

    a. Susan Thatcher’s recommendation is Hold

    b. Chelsea Thomas’ recommendation is Hold

13 Click X to close the evaluation

Part 2: Assign the application to a review group

  1. Select check box for [Greek]-Matthew Benton’s application

  2. Click Actions.

  3. Click Assign.

  4. Select the Character and Fitness – Concurrent – 3 reviewer group.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Confirm your changes.

  7. Click Yes.

Part 3: Verify the change

  1. Organize the grid to show the following columns:

    • Status

    • Reviewer

  2. Notice that the Status is Review in Progress.

  3. Notice the Review column shows the Concurrent-Character and Fitness review group and its members.