Exercise 2 - Add a Grouping to Multiple Person Records JD
Task: Edit multiple people records to add a grouping.
Scenario: You have a group of prospects that attended a recent event. Now you want to add the Fall Recruiting Leads grouping to their records to add more information and indicate where their contact originated. After adding the grouping, you will check one person’s record to verify the correct grouping appears.
If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.
Guided Practice
This training exercise has three parts. The first part walks you through how to find the person records. The second part walks you through how to edit the records to add a grouping. The third part walks you through how to check one person record to verify the accuracy of the grouping.
Part 1: Find the person records
In the Search Criteria tab, click Clear.
From Person Search Fields area, select:
a. Stage: Prospect
b. Person Status: Interested
c. Expected Entry Year: 2024
Click Search.
On the Search Results tab, find your records by filtering the Last Name, First column to show records that contain your Greek letter.
Click any column’s Grid Settings menu
and select Columns.
Add the columns Grouping, Grouping Date and Prospect Program Degree by clicking the checkbox next to the field in the column chooser - to use the Filter Columns textbox to locate the columns quickly.
Click Save.
Filter the Prospect Program Degree column to ensure you are working with your JD prospects.
Part 2: Add the Grouping
Select all the records.
Click Actions.
Click Edit.
In the Edit options, click Apply the same edit to all selections if it is not selected.
Click Continue.
From the Available Fields area, select the Grouping checkbox. Notice that the Grouping Date and the Grouping fields are auto selected.
Click Add
Click Continue.
Select Fall Recruiting Leads-[Greek] from the Grouping drop down menu options.
Specify the Date, entering today’s date.
Click Submit.
Verify your changes.
Click Confirm.
Part 3: Check the Grouping
On the Search results list, notice the Grouping column now displays Fall Recruiting Leads-[Greek] along with the Grouping Date you updated.
If you would like to look in a person’s individual record, select one person’s name.
Expand the Source/Groupings panel.
Notice the Grouping Fall Recruiting Leads-[Greek] and its date.
Click X to close the record.