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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 1 - View an Application Record JD

Task: Check to see if a person redeemed an application fee waiver.

Scenario: Your colleague granted a fee waiver to Lucia Garcia whom you recently saw at an open house event. Lucia confirmed she submitted her application online. Verify the fee waiver was redeemed.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.   

Guided Practice

This training exercise has two parts. The first part walks you through how to find the person record. The second part walks you through how to verify the application fee waiver was redeemed.

Part 1: Find the person record

  1. Click PEOPLE.

  2. Select the Search Criteria tab.

  3. Click Clear to clear the previous search.

  4. Specify the search criteria.

    a. Last Name: Garcia

    b. First Name: [your Greek letter]

  5. Click Search.

Part 2: Verify fee waiver information

  1. Click person name: Garcia, [Greek]-Lucia

  2. Click and expand the Fees section for the current open application.

  3. Notice the following fields in the Fees area:

    • Waived checkbox

    • Fee Waiver Type

    • Check (Cheque) EFT No.

  4. Click X to close the person record.

  5. Click Home.