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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Exercise 1 – Batch Update a Group of Person Records LLM

Task: Use batch edit to update prospect program information for a group of people.

Scenario: Your law school just hosted a well-attended virtual program for prospective LLM students. Interested attendee information is in Unite. In reviewing their information, you realize that 5 of them were interested in your school’s spring term. Add the new term and expected entry year to the Person Records of those 5 prospects.

If you’d like to try the exercise on your own without detailed instructions, feel free to do so. If not, detailed instructions follow.   

Guided Practice

This training exercise has four parts. The first part walks you through how to find the person records. The second part walks you through how to organize the grid. The third part walks you through how to edit the people records. The fourth part walks you through how to verify the update.

Part 1: Find the Person Records

  1. Click PEOPLE.

  2. Be sure you are on the Search Criteria tab. Click Clear.

  3. In Person Search Fields area:

    a. Select Stage and choose Prospect.

  4. Click Search.

Part 2: Organize the Grid

  1. On the Search Results tab, add the additional columns Prospect Program Degree, Prospect Program Term, and Expected Entry Year.

    a. Click the Grid Settings menu Icon which consists of three dots one above the other vertically, representing the grid settings menu also called a vertical ellipsis on any column. Within the menu, select Columns, then enter text in the Search Columns textbox to locate the field.

    b. Using the Search Columns textbox, select the three new columns in order to add them to the Grid.

  2. Click Save within the menu. The new columns appears in the grid to the right.

  3. Filter the new column Prospect Program Degree so that it contains only LLM prospects.

  4. Next, find your records by filtering for your Greek name on the Last Name, First Name column.

    a. Click the Grid Settings menu Icon which consists of three dots one above the other vertically, representing the grid settings menu also called a vertical ellipsis . Within the menu, select Filter, Contains, then enter the text to reflect [Greek]- with no space between your Greek and the dash.

  5. Click Filter to view the prospects with your name who are interested in the LLM program.

Part 3: Add the Program Information to Multiple People

  1. Select check boxes for any five of the people (with your Greek letter only, see Part 1 Step 4) in the grid.

  2. Click Actions.

  3. Click Edit from within the Actions menu.

  4. Select Apply the same edit to all selections.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Select check box for Prospect Program in the Available Fields box.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. In the Edit Window, select Term and from drop-down choose Spring and select Year and choose 2025.

  10. Click Submit.

  11. Verify your edit.

  12. Click Confirm.

  13. Remain on the Search Results tab and leave the people on the grid.

Part 4: Verify the Prospect Program Information

  1. Notice that the Prospect Program Term column shows the term as Spring and the Expected Entry Year column shows as 2025 for your selected prospects.

  2. Additionally, this can be verified within your selected prospect’s person records, under Prospect Level Information.