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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

About Post Decision Reviews

About Post Decision Reviews

After a decision has been made on an application, it may be necessary to review the file for such factors like scholarship consideration, moving applications from the waitlist, or assigning files to a faculty advisor. Unite supports this kind of review, after a decision has been made, through the Post Decision Review process. A Post Decision Review differs from a typical pre-decision review since it is used after a decision has been made, does not require a score or recommendation for confirmation, and it does not change the status of an application.

Post Decision Reviews are assigned and managed in the Reviews area in the All Decisions tab. This is key because assigning files for review in any other place in Unite results in the review being treated as a standard, pre-decision review, and the status of the application reverting to Review in Progress.

This image reflects the location needed to assign a post decision review, as detailed in the paragraph above. It is a screen shot of the Unite page with the title of the area circled, which is Reviews, and the title of the tab circled, which is All Decisions. It also circles the Action button and points out that the window shows that you can Assign or Unassign or Complete Post Decisions Reviews from this window.

When an application has been assigned to a reviewer for a Post Decision Review, the reviewer will see a Post Decision Review tab. This reminds them that the application already has a decision and they have been assigned this application for a different purpose.

This is an image of the Evaluation window that appears when a reviewer logs in to complete their Post Decision Review and where they need to make their recommendation or confirmation.

Post Decision Reviews do not require a score or a recommendation. Once reviewers examine the file, if they conclude that no change is needed, they can simply confirm by selecting the Confirm button. Reviewers have the option to suggest scholarships while conducting their post-decision review. They may also enter notes. Once their post decision review is complete, they can then submit it. Depending on how you are using Post Decision Reviews, you may want your reviewers to select a recommendation and then select confirm and submit.