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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Add a Dynamic Segment to Unite

A dynamic segment allows you to create a group of contacts based on a set of conditions and target the group for a specific email campaign. A dynamic segment works best for groupings in which the number of members may increase or decrease because conditions may change at any given time.

Step 1: Add the segment

  1. Open a browser and log on to Unite.

  2. On the main menu, click JOURNEYS.

  3. On the navigation pane, click Segments.

  4. On the command bar, click the New button .

  5. Select New Dynamic Segment.

  6. On the Segment Templates window, select a template or click the Skip button .

  7. Next to School ID, click the More Options button .

  8. In the Name text box, enter a unique name for the segment.

  9. In the School ID text box, enter your LSAC school code.

  10. Next to School ID, click the Fewer Options button to hide the drop-down window.

Step 2: Add the starting query block

  1. Click the Add Query Block button .

  2. Select the name of the entity you want to query.


Unite defaults to the Contact entity. Next to Contact, click the More Options button to select a different entity.


If you do not start a query block with the Contact entity, you must end the query block with the Contact entity.

Step 3: Add conditions to the query block, if needed

  1. From the Select Attribute list box, select the field you want to query.

  2. Verify or select a filter operator.


The default filter operator is Equals. Next to Equals, click the More Options button to select a different operator.
  1. Enter or select a value for the field, if applicable.

  2. If you want to add a clause for another condition, click the Add button , and then enter or select the attribute options. Otherwise, skip this step.


There are three types of clauses you can add to an attribute. You can add a condition clause, a group clause, or a related entity clause.


When you add a clause, you can set the condition operator depending on how you want to link the different clauses. The AND operator is more exclusive; it only finds records that meet the conditions for each clause you add. The OR operator is more expansive; it finds all records that meet any of the conditions you add.

Step 4: Add an additional query block, if needed

  1. From the Select Entity list box, select the name of the entity you want to query.

  2. Add conditions to the query block, if needed.

  3. Repeat for each query block you want to add to the segment.


If the entity you selected for the starting query block is not Contact, you must select Contact for the last query block. You do not have to add conditions to the Contact entity when it is the last query block.

Step 5: Estimate the query reach

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

  2. Click Estimate size.

  3. Verify the number of estimated matches meet your expectations at the current time.

  4. If necessary, edit the segment to increase or decrease the reach.

Step 6: Save the segment and go live

  1. On the command bar, click the Check for Errors button .

  2. If your segment passes the error check, click the Save button . Otherwise, fix the errors.

  3. If you are ready to use the segment in a Unite journey, click the Go Live button on the command bar. Otherwise, skip this step.

  4. On the navigation pane, click Segments to close the segment and return to the
    Segments grid.